To motivate and to help the students before the exams, St. Froebel School conducted a workshop for class IX on 7 February 2019. Mr. Ashtam Neelkanth, the resource person had a two hour long session where in he discussed about memory retention techniques. He said that memorisation is a key component of learning and studying. He suggested some techniques of memory retention like reading notes out loud, repetition, using memory triggers like flash cards, creating acronym out of important information and paraphrasing information etc.
Another workshop was conducted for classes VI to VIII on how to perform better in examination by Mr. Saurav Mitra. He discussed concentration improvement technique. He urged the students to stay away from all distraction and negative thoughts. He instructed the students to make a study schedule that fits their way of studying and not to leave for last minute. He advised the students to asses their study skills and focus on the areas that are weak and needs regular practice. He also advised them to keep themselves hydrated and exercise to eliminate stress. In a nutshell it was a informative and fruitful session for the students.